
Newest Version

Current Kalypso version is 18.02.0 released March 05th 2018.

Windows 32bit Windows 64bit

Older releases can be obtained from the archives.

Calculation modules

KalypsoWSPM and KalypsoHydrology are based on separate calculation modules that can be optained from the download area of Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg.

Please note that the calculation module RMA-Kalypso (required for Kalypso1D2D) is only available on request. You will find all necessary information in the same download area.

Documentation und User Manuals

Currently available User Manuals are availbe at Sourceforge.

Please find some Online-Documentation at the Kalypso MediaWiki.


Sourcecode of Kalypso is available via the SCM of Sourceforge:

Sourcecode of each Kalypso release is tagged with it's version number.