
14.04.2020 11:40

Kalypso 20.03.0 has been released

09.03.2018 13:03

Kalypso 18.02.0 has been released

08.06.2015 13:34

Kalypso 15.1.1 has been released

Kalypso... made for all public institutions, specialized agencies, institutions of higher education, and engineering firms that deal with issues pertaining to water management, nature conservation and landscape planning.

The Nymph Kalypso

Why do we call the modeling system Kalypso?




Kalypso is an open source modeling system for numerical simulations in water management. With Kalypso, you develop flood protection concepts and calculate flood hazard and flood risk maps – tasks which are currently of great relevance and are, inter alia, prescribed by EU Floods Directive 2007/60/EC.

Along with providing standard functions for hydrological and hydraulic simulation, Kalypso is distinguished by its modular design and modern, operator-friendly user interfaces. Our Kalypso tools assist you in creating the model and support a varied analysis of the results.