


Home-Site of Flood Forecast Center Saxony-Anhalt
Startseite des Hochwasservorhersagedienstes Sachsen-Anhalt

Flood Forecast Center Saxony-Anhalt

Service: Conceptualization and technical design of the software and the data management, software development, precipitation-runoff model integration
Duration: 2004 - 2011
Technology: Eclipse 3.0, GML, Observation & Measurement (Open Geospatial Consortium), Apache Tomcat, Java Webservices, LDAP, XML (DocBook, xsltproc), deegree GIS

After the catastrophic impact of the floods in August 2002 the State of Saxony-Anhalt decided to establish a modern flood forecasting center (HVZ). The HVZ is assigned the task to monitor the spatio-temporal processes of floods and deduce forecasts of flood events on this basis.

BCE in collaboration with the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg has designed and implemented a software solution for this flood forecasting system. This forecasting system is based on a central data repository, it will enable the staff of the HVZ to compute rapidly flood forecasts for all catchment areas in Saxony-Anhalt. The flood prediction models of the rivers Bode and Ilse (Thiele + Büttner Ingenieurgemeinschaft GbR) as well as Saale (GFE Consult GmbH) are already implemented into this system.

The Flood Forecasting system is based on the KalypsoBASE framework which is a development based on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform ( Persistent application of data modeling standards from the Open Geospatial Consortium (e.g. GML) enables users to access various embedded numeric flood forecasting models via GIS functionalities and to depict simulation results in a geographical context. An easy integration of new flood prediction models using data such as time series repositories, external GIS data into the flood forecasting system is supported by a plug-in mechanism. Among others, the time series management system WISKI (Kisters AG) has been implemented using this mechanism.

Integrated functionality

  • Uniform storage of all data as OGC-conform GIS or sensor data
  • Plug-in approach for integrating other external flood prediction models
  • Template-based freely configurable GIS maps and tabular views
  • Template-based freely configurable chart and tabular views of time series
  • Wizard-based user interfaces to support work processes
  • Plug-in-based approach for integrating other sensor data sources
  • Customizable model data management
  • Transformation (water table level - discharge transformation) and aggregation of sensor data
  • Determination of areal precipitation values from precipitation gauges (ombrometer data) or precipitation forecasts (raster data) by DWD (Deutscher Wetterdienst, German Meteorological Service)
  • Integration of a LDAP service to identify user rights during the Kalypso login
  • Interface to the time series management system WISKI (Kisters AG) (WISKI has been integrated into Kalypso as a time series repository; time series can be accessed from WISKI and also stored back as well into WISKI)
  • Interface to a document management system (Robotron Database Software GmbH): Report components (e.g. time series tables, time series graphs) are automatically annotated with metadata and stored in a document management system, these documents may then be published on the Web via a Web service interface.