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(Online Manuals)
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== Online Manuals ==
:[http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kalypso/Manual_Kalypso1D2D_de_v2.0.1.pdf Kalypso 1D/2D]
:[http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kalypso/Manual_KalypsoFlood_de_v2.0.1.pd Kalypso Flood]
:[http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kalypso/Manual_KalypsoRisk_de_v2.0.1.pdf Kalypso Risk]
:[http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kalypso/Manual_WSPM_de_v2.0.1.pdf Kalypso WSPM]
Current Kalypso manuals are available online in the Kalypso Manual WIKI. Please find the following manuals:
* [http://kalypso.bjoernsen.de/manual_15_1/index.php/Main_Page/de Current Version, Kalypso 15.1 (german)]
* [http://kalypso.bjoernsen.de/manual_13_12/index.php/Main_Page/de Kalypso 13.12 (german)]
* [http://kalypso.bjoernsen.de/manual_12_11/index.php/Main_Page/de Kalypso 12.11 (german)]
== PDF manuals (partly outdated) ==
:[http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kalypso/Manual_Kalypso1D2D_de_v2.0.1.pdf Kalypso1D2D]
:[http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kalypso/Manual_KalypsoFlood_de_v2.0.1.pdf KalypsoFlood]
:[http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kalypso/Manual_KalypsoRisk_de_v2.0.1.pdf KalypsoRisk]
:[http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kalypso/Manual_WSPM_de_v2.0.1.pdf KalypsoWSPM]
:[http://downloads.sourceforge.net/kalypso/KalypsoHydrology_Handbuch_2012_01_17.pdf KalypsoHydrology]
==Releases and Change Logs==
:[[Development#Releases|See Change Logs]]
==Flash Animations==
'''How do I install Kalypso?'''
:Unpack kalypso_xxxx.zip into your program-folder.
:Start kalypso.exe
'''What is the kalypso.ini good for?'''
:In the kalypso.ini file you can specify additional options:
::-nl <<language>>: Set program language (de_DE or en_EN). Defaults to de_DE
::-vmargs (arguments for the java virtual machine):
:::-Xmx1024m : sets the maximum of allocated memory to 1024mb
:::-consoleLog : activates a log window while Kalypso is running.
'''Can I use an already installed version of Java?'''
'''What Java version should I use?'''
:Right now Kaylpso works only with Java 5.
'''Do I need administrator rights for the installation process?'''
'''What is a working directory and how can I specify it?'''
:Your working directory is the place, where all your model data will be stored. By default is is set to the root folder of Kalypso. If you must handle huge models with lots of data you might want to change the location of your working directory.
You can specify a different location by creating a link to the kalypso.exe and adding the following parameter:
::-data <<path>>: Set the path to your workspace folder (i.e. folder containing your data).
::-data c:\temp\eclipse_workspaces\deploy_workspaces
'''Are there more parameters I need to know of?'''
:If you want to keep the temp data from the calculation cores (by default this data will be deleted) you can create a file '.options' in the root directory of Kalypso.
:In this file you can specifiy a set of additional parameters:
::org.kalypso.simulation.ui/debug = true
::org.kalypso.simulation.ui/debug/keepSimulationFiles = true
===Kalypso Hydrology===
===Kalypso WSPM===
===Kalypso WSPM===
:[http://sourceforge.net/projects/kalypso/files/Kalypso/resources/animation/wspm/wspm1.swf/download WSPM (Overview)]
'''What are the differences between WspWin and WSPM?'''
===Kalypso 1D/2D===
===Kalypso 1D/2D===
:[http://sourceforge.net/projects/kalypso/files/Kalypso/resources/animation/1d2d/1d2d1_complete.swf/download Kalypso 1D2D (Overview)]
===Kalypso Flood===
===Kalypso Flood===
:[http://sourceforge.net/projects/kalypso/files/Kalypso/resources/animation/flood/flood1.swf/download Kalypso Flood (Overview)]
===Kalypso Risk===
===Kalypso Risk===
:[http://sourceforge.net/projects/kalypso/files/Kalypso/resources/animation/risk/risk1.swf Kalypso Risk (Overview)]
==Change Logs==
:[[ChangeLogKalypso210|Changelog Kalypso 2.1.0]]

Latest revision as of 17:31, 23 January 2015


[edit] Online Manuals

Current Kalypso manuals are available online in the Kalypso Manual WIKI. Please find the following manuals:

[edit] PDF manuals (partly outdated)


[edit] Releases and Change Logs

See Change Logs

[edit] Flash Animations

[edit] Kalypso WSPM

WSPM (Overview)

[edit] Kalypso 1D/2D

Kalypso 1D2D (Overview)

[edit] Kalypso Flood

Kalypso Flood (Overview)

[edit] Kalypso Risk

Kalypso Risk (Overview)
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