Testing/KalypsoWSPM Regression Test/Editing of profiles

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KalypsoWSPM Regression Test

Editing of profiles


  • demo project active
  • KalypsoWSPM Profile Manager View
  • WSPM.gmv is open

Profile Table

Category Functionality Test Expected Result
Direct table editing
Change property value Enter new value Value changed, table and profile update
Context Menu
Copy Copy row and paste into text editor Nice formatted text...
Move Down Select row and move down Row moved, table and profile update, GML is dirty
Move Up Select row and move up Row moved, table and profile update, GML is dirty
Delete Delete some selected points Rows deleted, table and profile update, GML is dirty
Add Row Add rows at start, end and in the middle of the table Rows added, GML is dirty
Copy Copy row and paste into text editor Nice formatted text...
Move Down Select row and move down Row moved, table and profile update, GML is dirty
Move Up Select row and move up Row moved, table and profile update, GML is dirty
Delete Delete some selected points Rows deleted, table and profile update, GML is dirty
Add Row Add rows at start, end and in the middle of the table Rows added, table and profile update, GML is dirty
View Menu
Interpolate missing coordinates Delete some coordinates and fill the holes with tool Coordinates should appear
Change Properties Change some properties Values changed, table and profile update, GML is dirty
Simplify do it Values changed, table and profile update, GML is dirty
Insert row do it Rows appear, table and profile update, GML is dirty

Chart View

  • Generate a new Map (to control selection / tools update will be triggered between chart, table and map view)
    • first select profile reach in gml tree view
    • press right mouse button
    • choose "In neuer Karte einfügen"
Category Functionality Test Expected Result
Direct table editing
Change property value Enter new value Value changed, table and profile update
Copy Copy row and paste into text editor Nice formatted text...
Maximize/Zoom/Pan Change extent
Pan Change extent
Maximize Do it
Edit Move points, also bridge and markers Profile changed, Table shows changes, GML is dirty
Insert point Insert a new point Profile changed, Table shows changes, GML is dirty
Select range Move cursor, select point, range Table selection is updated, Map selection is updated
Toggle show selection Move cursor and change selection in map Cursor and selection shown or hidden according to toggle
Waterlevel legend Toggle shown waterlevel Waterlevel shown in profile
Copy image Paste image into word or similar Nice image appears
Export image Save image to file Image is correct and nice
View Menu
Keep Roughness toggle Move marker and observe how roughness changes Roughness should be kept for channel or not
Extend waterlevel toggle Move devider and observe how waterlevel is painted Waterlevel is painted outside of model boundary or not

Chart legend

Category Functionality Test Expected Result
General functionality
Add Layers
TODO: add all layer types
Remove layers
TOOO: different behaviour for different types of layers


  • Layer "Geokoordinaten"
    • nothing to check
  • Layer "Rauheiten"
    • add kst column
    • add roughness classes column
    • add roughness factor column
  • Layer "Bewuchsklassen"
    • add Bewuchsklassen column
  • Layer "Wasserspiegel"
    • enable some calculation results
    • Wasserspiegellagen are displayed in profile chart view?
  • Layer "Wasserspiegel Fixierung"
    • enable some water level fixations
    • fixations are displayed in profile chart view?
  • Layer "Gelände"
    • nothing to check
  • Layer "Fließzonen"
    • play with / change some settings

Map View

Toolbar actions

  • activate toogle tool "Profil Cursor anzeigen" in Chart and Map View
    • zoom into selected profile on map
    • move profile cursor on chart and map view
      • cursor was updated at map view?
      • cursor was updated at chart view?
  • select "Einen neuen Profilpunkt ins Profil einfügen" tool
    • new point was insert?
      • active point changed (map, table and chart)?
  • select "Selection tool"
    • select a single point
      • active point changed (map, table and chart)?
    • select a profile point range
      • selected point changed (map, table and chart)?

GML Views

like GmlTreeView or MapView

Right-Mouse Button Context Menu Tools

Import Wizards
  • Sobek
  • "Tripple Dateien"
  • "WspWin Profildateien"
  • Profildatenbank - Gewässer
  • Profildatenbank

Export Wizards
  • ESRI Shape - Profillinien (mit Ergebnissen)
  • ESRI Shape - Standard
  • Komma getrennte Werte
  • Tripple
  • WspWin Plotter
  • WspWin Plotter Längsschnitt
  • WspWin Profile
Personal tools
