
From KalypsoDev
Revision as of 17:42, 17 April 2010 by Gernotbelger (Talk | contribs)

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Kalypso is a java application being developed with Eclipse. This article describes how to set up eclipse in order to start developing with Kalypso.


Installation of Java and Eclipse

Download and install the current versions of

  • [1][Sun's JDK 6] (use OpenJDK under Linux, with Sun's SDK Kalypso will freeze)
  • [2][Eclipse 3.5.2 SDK]

Tip: The installation path of eclipse should not contain any whitespace ' ', else some of the ant-scripts used to compile Kalypso will get into trouble.

Starting Eclipse

We recommend the following command-line options when starting eclipse:

-vm <path to your java 6 sdk>/bin/javaw.exe (required)
Kalypso MUST be started with the Java Developer Kit (JDK) (NOT the Runtime Edition (JRE)), else some of the ant-code generation will not work properly
-data <path to workspace directory> (optional)
use a distinquished workspace directory for your Kalypso sources
-vmargs -Xmx1024m
Kalypso is quite big, give eclipse enough memory to handle all this stuff

Configure Eclipse

In order to be able to compile Kalypso, Eclipse should be configured as follows:

Additionally required Eclipse-Plug-ins

* In Order to get the Kalypso Source: Subversive SVN Team Provider (from Galileo Update Site)

workspace_loc (required)

In order make the ant-scripts compiling parts of kalpyso work, the ant-property

workspace = ${workspace_loc}

must be defined via

Menu: Window->Preferences...
Page Ant/Runtime
Tab Properties
Button:Add Property...

Linux: before getting the sources, set the workspace encoding of eclipse to ISO-8859-1:

Menu: Window->Preferences...
Page General/Workspace
Text File Exncoding:Other ISO-8859-1

ManualJRE (optional)

In order to build the DocBook manuals of Kalypso, a 1.4.2 JRE named 'ManualJRE' must be defined under

Menu Window->Preferences...
Page: Java/Installed JREs
Button Add...

Network connections (optional)

Do not forget to configure your network connections via

Menu: Window->Preferences...
Page General/Network connection

in order to use the help system or install additional eclipse features.

XML-Files (optional)

Define Kalypso specific file extensions as xml content via

Menu: Window preferences...
Page: Generel/Content types
Entry: XML

Add the following extensions:

  • .gml
  • .gft
  • .gmt
  • .gtt
  • .ott
  • .odt
  • .kod
  • .sld
  • .ort
  • _others_?

You should do this right now, as changing anything here later will result in a complete rebuild of Kalypso.

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