Change Log Kalypso 12.11.1

From KalypsoDev
Revision as of 11:14, 13 February 2013 by Holgeralbert (Talk | contribs)

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Changes since: Kalypso-12.11.0 (see also Change_Log_Kalypso_12.11)


Kalypso Platform

Items that improve Kalypso in general.

Two new user preferences allow to change the behavior of the mouse wheel in the map:
  • invert the direction of zoom when using the wheel
  • zoom relative to the current mouse position
New mouse wheel preferences for the map.
When activating a project via the welcome page, a popup dialog will be shown that allows to select which scenario will be opened, if the project contains more than once scenario.
Popup dialog for choosing the scenario to open.
A new action in the scenario view allows to jump to the currently active scenario. Useful for workspaces with many projects and scenarios.
Active scenario revealed in scenario tree.

Consumability / Reliability

Items that make it easier for users to get Kalypso, install it on their systems, and configure it for their use.

A new entry in the help menu allows to directly post an error or enhancement to the Kalypso ticket system.
New mouse wheel preferences for the map.


The SOBEK ASCII Export has been improved in several ways:
  • culverts (except of type 'mouth') get exported as abutment bridges (defined by a width/height cross section table)
  • all exported structures (struct.dat) also get an STFR entry (structure friction) in the friction.dat file
  • when exporting a structure, downstream and upstream sections will be generated at the inlet resp. outlet of the structure. The sections are generated by interpolating the section at the structure with the next upstream/downstream section. The 'normal' profile at the station of the building will not be exported any more.
In the crosssection view it is now possible, to move points of a crosssection/crosssection part.


Kalypso now allows to access result data from outside the current scenario (i.e. the scenario that is currently edited). The following is now possible:
  • to directly add results from arbitrary scenarios or projects to the result map of the current scenario
  • build differences between results of different scenarios (tin data only)
  • open (and compare) longitudinal sections from multiple scenarios
  • use results from other scenarios as restart results
Select result data from different scenarios by changing the filter in the wiazrd.
The description of difference results (i.e. results generated by subtracting two result tins), now contains information about it's sources and the data type..
Difference result with verbose information.
It is now possible to set a user defined name to a difference of result tins.
Set a user defined name to a difference result.
It is now possible to open multiple longitudinal section at once. It is additionally possible to open longitudinal sections originating from scenarios other than the currently active one.
Multiple sections from different scenarios.
The dialog for selecting restart results for a simulation has been reworked. In addition to a simpler user interface, it is now possible to select restart results from arbitrary projects and/or scenarios.
New dialog to select restart results.

Personal tools
