Testing/KalypsoWSPM Regression Test/Editing of profiles

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KalypsoWSPM Regression Test

Editing of profiles


  • demo project active
  • KalypsoWSPM Profile Manager View
  • WSPM.gmv is open


Category Functionality Test Expected Result
Direct table editing
Change property value Enter new value Value changed, table and profile update
Context Menu
Move Down Select row and move down Row moved, table and profile update
Move Up Select row and move up Row moved, table and profile update
Delete Delete some selected points Rows deleted, table and profile update
Add Row Add rows at start, end and in the middle of the table Rows added
Move Down Select row and move down Row moved, table and profile update
Move Up Select row and move up Row moved, table and profile update
Delete Delete some selected points Rows deleted, table and profile update
Add Row Add rows at start, end and in the middle of the table Rows added
  • Fill missing geometries wizard
    • remove some profile coordinates (hochwert/rechts) at the middle and end of profile
    • start "Setze fehlende Profilkoordinaten" wizard
    • choose "From all points of the profile"
    • activate extrapolation
    • hit the finish button
    • check: profile has still missing coordinates?
  • Editing of point properties wizard
    • start "Eigenschaften ändern..." wizard
    • choose property "Höhe"
    • select all properties
    • choose offset +1
    • hit the finish button
    • height of profile points changed?
  • "Profil ausdünnen"
    • start "Profil ausdünnen" Dialog
    • cancel dialog
      • undo action successful?
    • start "Profil ausdünnen" Dialog again
    • play with dialog settings
      • any changes? table and chart will be updated?
    • press OK
    • profile changed?
  • "Punkte einfügen"
    • TODO example input file for "Punkte einfügen" Dialog / Test!!!

Chart View

  • Generate a new Map (to control selection / tools update will be triggered between chart, table and map view)
    • first select profile reach in gml tree view
    • press right mouse button
    • choose "In neuer Karte einfügen"

Toolbar actions

  • test mouse zoom / pan action
  • test pan action
  • zoom into chart and hit the maximize button
  • activate toogle tool "Profil Cursor anzeigen" in Chart and Map View
    • zoom into selected profile on map
    • move profile cursor on chart and map view
      • cursor was updated at map view?
      • cursor was updated at chart view?
  • select "Bearbeiten" tool
    • update profile point height
      • height changed?
      • active point changed (map, table and chart)?
  • select "Einen neuen Profilpunkt ins Profil einfügen" tool
    • new point was insert?
      • active point changed (map, table and chart)?
  • select "Selection tool"
    • select a single point
      • active point changed (map, table and chart)?
    • select a profile point range
      • selected point changed (map, table and chart)?
  • open legend dialog
  • copy chart to clipboard tool
    • screenshot of chart was made? paste clipboard content to a paint programm
  • image export


  • Layer "Geokoordinaten"
    • nothing to check
  • Layer "Rauheiten"
    • add kst column
    • add roughness classes column
    • add roughness factor column
  • Layer "Bewuchsklassen"
    • add Bewuchsklassen column
  • Layer "Wasserspiegel"
    • enable some calculation results
    • Wasserspiegellagen are displayed in profile chart view?
  • Layer "Wasserspiegel Fixierung"
    • enable some water level fixations
    • fixations are displayed in profile chart view?
  • Layer "Gelände"
    • nothing to check
  • Layer "Fließzonen"
    • play with / change some settings

Map View

Toolbar actions

  • activate toogle tool "Profil Cursor anzeigen" in Chart and Map View
    • zoom into selected profile on map
    • move profile cursor on chart and map view
      • cursor was updated at map view?
      • cursor was updated at chart view?
  • select "Einen neuen Profilpunkt ins Profil einfügen" tool
    • new point was insert?
      • active point changed (map, table and chart)?
  • select "Selection tool"
    • select a single point
      • active point changed (map, table and chart)?
    • select a profile point range
      • selected point changed (map, table and chart)?

GML Views

like GmlTreeView or MapView

Right-Mouse Button Context Menu Tools

Import Wizards
  • Sobek
  • "Tripple Dateien"
  • "WspWin Profildateien"
  • Profildatenbank - Gewässer
  • Profildatenbank

Export Wizards
  • ESRI Shape - Profillinien (mit Ergebnissen)
  • ESRI Shape - Standard
  • Komma getrennte Werte
  • Tripple
  • WspWin Plotter
  • WspWin Plotter Längsschnitt
  • WspWin Profile
Personal tools
