Change Log Kalypso Template

From KalypsoDev
Revision as of 14:35, 10 March 2020 by Gernotbelger (Talk | contribs)

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Changes since: Kalypso-2.1.0 (Change_Log_Kalypso_2.1.0)


New meshing tool for merging bands of adjacent quadrangle elements.
BandMerge Before.PNG
BandMerge After.PNG
New meshing tool for splitting bands of quadrangle elements.
ChangeLog 20 03 BandSplit.PNG
New tool for working with resistance classes:
  • remove unused classes
  • merge classes with identical parameters
A new view allows so show the mesh validation messages in a list view. Selecting an element in the list will center the map on that element.
New selection modes for various tools. E.g. the tool for deleting structures allow to select them by a polygon.
New snapping options for various tools. E.g. When entering the boundary line within the 2D-triangulation tool, it is now possible to snap to other layers shown in the map.
Various performance improvements, especially when lots of elements have been selected.
Merging two 2D-meshes, including boundary conditions, roughness polygons etc., by importing one 2D-scenario into another.
Basic support for the Telemac-2D hydrodynamic model (see within Kalypso1D2D.
Added support for versions 4.0 to 4.4 for the HYDRO_AS-2D hydrodynamic model (see

Import and export of SMS 11 formats, excluding the following tags: TODO

Improved robustness of mesh refinement tools. Allow to select refinment geometries of other map layers for refinement.
Moving nodes of the mesh now takes second node heights into consideration.
Mesh import from the Selafin file format (native format of Telemac2D).


Improved landuse and pedology shape exports.


A new cross section export allow to export cross section charts into a PDF document.
Support for the cross section format HIPPO (import only).
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