Change Log Kalypso 11.6.1

From KalypsoDev
Revision as of 10:32, 30 August 2011 by Gernotbelger (Talk | contribs)

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News & Noteworthy in Kalypso-11.6.1 (Change_Log_Kalypso_11.6.0)

Detailed changes (Trac): Change Log


Kalypso Platform

The installation wizard (setup.exe) of Kalypso has been reworked and improved. We now always ship a true 64bit version of the setup.exe.


The import, export and tools context menues have been cleaned up and moved into single actions that open a wizard each.
Reworked context menue
Tools wizard containing all available tools for the selected element


Inline legend and scale have been added to the map by default.
Legend and scale elements in the 1D2D map
Boundary conditions are now shown as charts when edited.
Properties dialog for boundary conditions showing chart.
Some additional control parameters for hydrodynamics have been introduced
  • ac4 - for constant bottom elevation using marsh algorithm
  • chi - for calculation of wind shear stresses (attencione for correct naming) based on wind velocities vtk file generation
The user interface for elevation assignment has been reworked.
Reworked elevation assignment view

Kalypso Cross Section Database

The new Kalypso Cross-Section-Database (see German Manual) is now officially part of Kalypso.
User interface cross section database
Personal tools
