Change Log Kalypso 12.11

From KalypsoDev
Revision as of 20:21, 6 February 2012 by Gernotbelger (Talk | contribs)

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Changes since: Kalypso-11.6


Kalypso Platform

Items that improve Kalypso in general.

The tool for selecting features in a map now has a 4th selection mode: Hover. in this mode, the selection follows the mouse cursor without need for a click in the map.
TODO: Support of multiple active Map View Widgets (added toggle command mode support)
Support for GML 2 has been dropped, Kalypso now supports only GML 3. The GML parser has been reworked to use less memory and has less performance impact during startup.

Consumability / Reliability

Items that make it easier for users to get Kalypso, install it on their systems, and configure it for their use.

Improved installation process. Separate installers for 32bit and 64bit systems.


Simplified project structure. Removed some obsolete folders and moved all internal folders into '.model'. All basis data is now in folder 'Basis', similar to the project structure of workflow based projects (i.e. 1D2D, Flood, Risk).
The Table views for subs catchments of the basis model are now identical to the table views of the calculation case. I.e. there are multiple views for the catchment table (calibration, general properties etc.).


TODO: import water bodies
TODO: export bank line
TODO: Tool - Interpolation and Extrapolation of missing profile point geometries
TODO: Synchronization of selection between Map, Table and ChartView
TODO: Select Profile Point Tool (Map, ChartView)
TODO: Insert Profile Point Tool (Map, ChartView)


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