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      <item logid="1786" pageid="198" ns="0" title="Installation PostGIS/pdb/de" type="patrol" action="patrol" user="Belger" timestamp="2023-10-21T14:15:39Z" comment="">
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      <item logid="1785" pageid="750" ns="6" title="File:Verlinkung Overlays.jpg" type="upload" action="upload" user="Sandra" timestamp="2021-11-15T12:40:39Z" comment="Schritte zur Verknüpfung von Overlay Elementen über die Modellierer Perspektive." />
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      <item logid="1783" pageid="742" ns="6" title="File:Plugin active txt Example 2.jpg" type="upload" action="upload" user="Sandra" timestamp="2021-11-09T11:11:20Z" comment="Plugin_active.txt: Beispiel des Pfades zum Plugin Ordner mit definiertem Pfad." />
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