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Pre Processing of Soil Data

A distinction is made between soil type and horizon type. For the hydrology, the soil type is crucial. It describes the particle size composition of the soil and, thus the pore size distribution in the soil. For soil water balance modelling the specification of the floor structure and the determination of the layer parameters are required. The soil data needed for modelling describes in general only the top meters of soil (maximum of the top two meters) and the transition area to the groundwater by specifying the maximum percolation and the proportion of the inflow into the aquifer.

In KalypsoHydrology, it is necessary to model also the soils and the same number of the soil layers First soil layer and their parameter such as Kf value, wilting point, field capacity and the ,maximum soil moisture) are added. In addition, the soil structure is defined and layer thickness is used and identified by a ground key, which is referenced in the hydrotope. This can have maximum length of 8 characters.

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