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Model parameter

Views for editing the model parameter

Views for editing the model parameter

This item consists of the following five windows:

Shows the model elements in the map overview (see Figure Views for editing the model parameter)
Kalinin-Miljukov strand
Selection of KM strands to define model parameters.
Reservoir Strand
Selection of reservoir strands to define the model parameters.
Sub catchments
Selection of Sub-catchments to define the model parameters

Kalinin-Miljukov Strang

View of the overview of the Kalinin-Miljukov model parameters

In the Kalinin-Miljukov Strand- View (see Figure Overview of the Kalinin-Miljukov model parameters). It is also possible to specify the length of the water way (Downstream [km] and Upstream [km]).

In Feature View the details of the Kalinin - Miljukov parameters are stored. Currently 5 runoff cases for the model structure are needed. The details of the outflow cases are listed in the following table:

Parameter Unit Description Data type
Inflow/ discharge [m³/s] Discharge. 5 different discharge cases should be specified double
K Flow [h] Retention constant K of the main river (Kalinin-Miljukov) double
n Flow [-] Approach in the river strand (Kalinin- Miljukov) double
K Bank [h] Retention constant K of the river bank (Kalinin-Miljukov) double
n Bank [-] Approach in the river strand model for the river banks (Kalinin- Miljukov double
Distribution factor [-] Distribution factor of the channel-bank/ foreland or run off percentage respectively, which is discharged through the main river. double

A wizard Calculate KM parameter opens to calculate the Kalinin Miljukov parameter.

Kalinin-Miljukov Parameter Dialogue

The Kalinin Miljukov parameter dialog is divided into two areas(see Figure Kalinin-Miljukov-Parameter Dialogue). On the left side all Kalinin - Miljukov strands of the model are displayed. For the selected string in the right panel a WSPM Result is selected, which contains input data for a KM - calculation. Over the button next to the text box of WSPM result, an existing WSPM result is selected. The present result profile stations are listed in the table and must be selected for specific KM strands. The KM – strands are entered from / to, Start [km] and End [km], this will automatically start in the selected fields. For each strand, which is activated through the selection list, the KM - parameters are calculated and included in the model by clicking on Finish.

Result of a calculation and transfer dialogue

The selected settings are applied when you click Finish. The KM - parameters are calculated and written to the selected strands. Already present parameters are overwritten. After the calculation and transfer of results a progress dialogue is displayed in which any warnings and problems are listed (see Figure Result of a calculation and transfer dialogue). Double-clicking a message opens a more detailed message.
If settings for later acquisition are stored, for example, to refresh after a recalculation WSPM the KM parameters, a file is selected on the Save button. In these settings the information is stored in XML format. The Store button can be used again later in this file. The previous settings are then restored and the parameters can be recalculated.

Reservoir Strand

View of the model parameters in Reservoir strands

In the Reservoir strand view (see Figure View of the model parameters in Reservoir strands) are maintained for reservoir strands:

Reservoir strand -Parameter
Minimum Content [m³] Maximum content[m³] Initial content [m³] WVQ-relationship
double double double WVQ-Diagramm [Link zum Time Series Editor]
  • Minimal content [m³]: Minimum storage Content
  • Maximum content [m³]: Maximum storage content
  • Initial start content [m³]: Basin content at the beginning of the simulation
  • WVQ-relationship: Relationship between water level [mNN] = W, volume/contents [m ³] = V and discharge [ m³/s] = Q from the reservoir strand (max. 23 value triples can be defined)see Time Series Editor

Sub Catchments

View of the Sub-catchment of the model parameters

The View of the Sub-catchment (see Figure view of the Sub catchment of the model parameters) gives the following information:

Design Rainfall Event
Parameter Unit Description Data type
Synthetic Rainfall [-] Selection of the region of the design rainfall (Classification see Synthetic Rainfall) Text
Parameter Unit Description Data type
Snow type [-] Assign the snow parameters Text
Retention - Translation
Parameter Unit Description Data type
k QObfl.vers. [h] Retention constant of sealed surfaces runoff Number (double)
k QObfl.nat. [h] Retention constant of natural surface runoff Number(double)
k QIntf. [h] Retention constant of the unsaturated soil water flow (Interflow) Number(double)
k QBasis [h] Retention constant of the base flow Number (double)
k QGw [h] Retention constant of groundwater runoff in neighbouring areas Number (double)
k Q deep Gw [h] Retention constant of the groundwater flow Number (double)
Time Area Function [h,-] Time area function; active drained area (normalized) as a function of time (must be specified for each user from the sub-catchments) ** Diagram
Parameter Unit Description Data type
min h of Groundwater [m] Minimum storage level of aquifers. Groundwater storage level at which the first water contact exists Number (double)
max h of Groundwater [m] Minimum groundwater storage level. Groundwater storage level point on reaching the highest riverbed Number (double)
Distribution factor GW [ - ] Distribution factor of near-surface and deep aquifers (see note below) Number(double)
Porosity of Groundwater [ - ] Porosity of Groundwater aquifers Number (double)
Sampling ground water [m³/s] Continuous withdrawal from the aquifer (e.g. for water works) Number(double)

Language: English
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